Framing Skeletons is a progressive metal band from Houston, Texas that fuses the complex polyrhythms and soul-crushing heaviness of djent with the thematic consistency and experimentation of traditional progressive rock. With an every-changing sound and prolific output, Framing Skeletons embodies the old adage: "If you don't like the weather in Houston, just wait five minutes." If Framing Skeletons isn't making music that moves you at the moment, just wait, and the band will soon release something more to your fancy.
From the more traditional prog metal of The Blueprint Exchange (2019), to the chugging, bottom-haviness of Osmium (2020), to the mysterious and languid beautfy of Luminescence (2021), Framing Skeletons is amassing an impressive and diverse oeuvre sure to please even the most discerning of metal fans around the globe.